I took this picture with my parents about 10 minutes before my second child was born. I was in labour but somehow I thought a picture was a good idea lol!

My parents sadly left this earth way too early but the support they gave me propels me constantly.
In primary school I didn’t do as well as my other siblings, who always came top 3 while I lingered close to the bottom. I day dreamed in class and even though I loved reading I just would not focus enough to get my work done…and then I was a chatter box!
Despite my poor results my parents never made me fell less than my siblings, instead they encouraged me to do better and always loved and affirmed me. My father, especially, would encourage me not to be scared of mathematics or any subject. With time I picked up and I came 7th and my school at the time St Saviours School Ikoyi gave me a prize in assembly for the most progress made. Oh boy you would think I came 1st ! my parents were happy and cheered as I went to get my prize ” Chi we are proud of you… Girlie well done”
It was the same through secondary to university; they always encouraged and cheered me on telling me I could do it.
When I got married, they were there to advise, support, and encourage me. They did all they could to help me settle into my new life. When I started work, they were so proud!
When I became a mom, ah!, they revelled in their role as grandparents. I remember the night this picture was taken. I had woken up only to discover I was in labour. Because I was not in pain, I was a bit confused, but the contractions were consistent. I woke up my mom, who said, “Chioma, you can’t be in labour” (I was too calm), but after I insisted, she got up to drive me to the hospital. As we were about to drive off, my dad came out, he wanted to come as well. He was actually ill at the time, but as always, he wanted to be there to support me. My husband was in another country, so they both went with me into the labour room, and a short while later, I had my son.
Once again, they said the same words: “Girlie, well done.”.
As we celebrate women this whole month, may we be the kind of people who are always remembered fondly for their support and encouragement. I miss my parents so much, and even though they aren’t here, I am very sure they are cheering me on and saying those same words…”Ezigbo Jisikeke, Girlie well done.”.