the internet: user beware

Through the internet our world has truly become a global village, just the other day I was able to get in touch with an old friend in Namibia through the internet ( not through face book).All sorts of information is at your finger tips , from cooking recipes, herbal remedies, news, music , you can even download a free sermon!. There are loads of educational Sites such as IXL for kids to learn math’s, and free cartoon print outs and games to keep them entertained . Personally when I am faced with a problem, after I pray, I go online and more times than not I am able to get an answer.
In the past few years social networking sites such as bebo, twitter and facebook have become extremely popular. However it’s not all good as the internet is fraught with dangers.
For instance, a lady left her husband after she found out he had an illegitimate child via face book, her friend had seen the pictures of him at the the babies naming.

In another face book incident a Christian woman hooked up with her ex boyfriend who she hadn’t seen in 6yrs , at first it was innocent chatting but she was unhappy in her own marriage and soon was engaged in an adulterous affair.
What makes the internet even more dangerous is the fact that children as young as 6 have access to it. There in an unlimited amount of pornography and other unwholesome material available on the internet. If your children must use the internet it should be under adult’s supervision and on no account should children under 18 be allowed on social sites such as face book. This is because sexual predators such as pedophiles often go on such sites looking for young children to lure. In the UK they have been several cases of young teenagers like Victoria ailing– a 14 year old who ran away with a man she met on bebo,.
I believe God gave us the knowledge of witty inventions such as the internet , but he also gave us wisdom to browse safely!.

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